Recycle Latex and Oil-Based Paint Free of Charge
Exciting news at Hazman! Hazman is proud to announce its partnership with PaintCare's recycling program for all of New York State. Hazman, located at 177 Wales Ave, Tonawanda, NY 14150, accepts Latex and Oil-...
4 Compelling Reasons to Recycle Household Hazardous Waste
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is any waste that can harm human health or the environment. Hazardous waste of any kind needs to be appropriately managed or safely recycled at a hazardous waste dispo...
Interview with WBEN Buffalo Means Business
Our recent interview with WBEN 930AM, Buffalo Means Business. Julian Mastropoll, our Facility Manager goes into detail about the services we offer! Check it out at the link below: https://wben.rad...
What is HHW (Household Hazardous Waste)?
Household hazardous waste. What is it and what can we do about it? According to the EPA "the average household generates more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste per year." (Solid Waste) That bein...
New! Hazman now accepts Smoke Detectors for Recycling
Did you know that some Smoke Detectors contain radioactive components? For this reason, they should be kept out of the regular trash and disposed of separately. For years homeowners around Western New York hav...
Hazman Crew Kicks of 2015 with a bang!
Last Saturday Hazman set-up for their first Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection event of the year. The event took place at the North Tonawanda DPW. It was organized, promoted and funded via Niagara Coun...
New 2015 E-Waste Regulations
Think again before tossing old electronics to the curb. Starting Jan. 1, it is illegal in New York state to throw away laptops, video game consoles and flat screen TVs with normal trash and recycling. After ...
DEC Announces New Toll-Free Hotline to Report Poachers and Polluters
Members of the public will be able to instantly report poachers and polluters using a new toll-free hotline that will help to ensure strict enforcement of environmental laws that protect the State's natural re...
Western New York Sustainable Business Roundtable (WNYSBR)
What is the WNYSBR? The Western New York Sustainable Business Roundtable is a network of companies and organizations seeking to create an environmentally and economically thriving Buffalo Niagara Region by ...
Managing and Disposing of HHW By the NYSDEC
Topics in this Publication Facts on Household Hazardous Waste General Information Acids and Bases Aerosol Containers Antifreeze and Brake Fluids Automotive Batteries Electronics and Household B...
Enviro-News June 2014
Enviro-News June, 2014 Sponsored by Daemen College’s Center for Sustainable Communities and Civic Engagement and Global & Local Sustainability Program Newsletter Contents: Articles-...
Niagara County 2014 HHW Events Announced
The Niagara County Refuse District, in conjunction with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation hosted three drop-off events in the County. Each event took place on a Saturday from 10...
January Enviro-News Newsletter
January 2014 Sponsored by Daemen College's Center for Sustainable Communities and Civic Engagement and Global & Local Sustainability Program Newsletter Contents Articles - including Events, Courses, L...
Buffalo News - August 2012 on Hazman
"Hazman hastens to take household waste."